Ellisville Beaches

You’ll discover plenty of great reasons to locate a beach in your neck of the woods. Getting outside in the fresh air, enjoying the water, and creating memories with your family and friends to name a few.

Finding a great swimming beach in Ellisville with lots of space for beach activities is fairly straightforward. Below is a list to help you search for a beach close to Ellisville. Enter the beach name, your city, or your zip code to filter results.

Ellisville Beaches

Before heading out to a beach in Ellisville, IN or a nearby place, verify on Google to make sure that it is free to the general public. Do not be surprised if the beach you wish to visit is not open because of the time of the day, being closed on certain days, or closing during the winter.

Weather at beaches in Ellisville is often quite unpredictible, so it’s necessary for you to schedule your outing according to the weather forecast.

Ellisville, IN Beach Guidelines

While different beaches in Ellisville will have conflicting guidelines on how to attend their beach, you should expect to listen to the following guidelines for every beach in Ellisville that you attend.

  • All glass containers are prohibited on beaches.
  • Pick up all garbage that you bring to the beach.
  • Don’t consume alcohol at the beach.
  • Do not venture beyond the swimming area.
  • Always listen to the lifeguard on duty. If the lifeguard tell you to stop doing something, then you must follow through.
  • Fires could be against the law on the majority of public Ellisville beaches.

Ellisville Beach Travel Tips

  1. Don’t Litter. No one enjoys go to a garbage ridden beach. If you bring things to the beach, you are expected pick up not leave anything behind. Be sure to toss out your trash in an appropriate trash or recycling bin.
  2. Bring a mesh bag for your stuff. It’s simple to find a purse, grocery bag, or waterproof travel bag to store beach gear such as towels, buckets, tents, and snorkeling gear. But these types of bags keep moisture from evaporating, leading to mold growth or just keeping beach essentials from drying out.
  3. Get a shady area. If you suspect that finding shade may be difficult, or if you think that there likely won’t be too many shady spots at the beach, bring your own shade! Use a beach umbrella, pop up beach tent, or some sort of equipment that provides shade. It’s best to bring something that provides enough airflow.
  4. Keep the bugs away. If you plan on going to the beach early in the day or the evening, you should expect that mosquitos, horse flies, fleas and other nuisance insects may cause a problem.
  5. Don’t get a sunburn. Nothing is worse than a sun burn, so remember the sunscreen. Ask someone else to help with difficult to reach places.
  6. Avoid the crowds. Arriving at your Ellisville beach when it opens is the best way of avoiding people.
  7. Remember the towels. Beach towels are a necessity for a great beach experience. A good rule of thumb is an ocean beach or a large lake that sees rip tides. Pay attention to the indicators and know how to escape if you’re caught in a rip tide.
  8. Remember extra clothing. Even if you’re expecting a warm day at the beach, you should know that the weather in Ellisville can change without warning. It’s particularly important if you are planning on going in the water, so bring plenty of dry clothes including sweaters, towels, windbreakers, and socks.