Victorville Beaches

There are plenty of terrific reasons to head out to a a beach in Victorville, CA. Getting out in the fresh air, floating in the water, and spending quality time with your family and friends are some examples.

Finding the perfect swimming beach in Victorville with lots of area for activities on the beach is fairly straightforward. Below is a collection to help you locate a beach near Victorville. Get started, by entering a zip code using the following search box below.

Victorville Beaches

Remember that the weather on the beach is usually different than what you find in the city. Wind can be stronger and unpredictible whenever it’s blowing off the water.

The majority of beaches in Victorville, CA are accessible to everyone but some are private beaches. You should check their site to see if you can go to the beach without any restrictions. Do not be surprised if the beach you plan to visit is not open due to the time of the day, day of the week, or seasonality.

Rules of the Beach

While each beach in Victorville will have different guidelines on how to attend the beach, prepare to adhere to these common guidelines for any beach in Victorville that you attend.

  • Only go to the beach during specified hours.
  • Always listen to the lifeguard on duty. If they tell you to get out of the water, then you have to do it.
  • Do not consume alcohol at the beach.
  • Only swim within the permitted regions for beach goers.
  • Check online for guidance on fires on the beach because they may be illegal or you must adhere to strict guidelines.
  • Pick up all trash that you bring to the beach.

Victorville Beach Checklist

  1. Prepare for bugs. If you want to go to the beach early in the day or late in the day, there’s a decent chance that mosquitos, horse flies, beach hoppers and other nuisance insects could be an issue.
  2. Store items in a mesh bag. It may be convenient to find a purse, grocery bag, or waterproof travel bag to stash beach necessities like pillows, shovels, speakersinflatables, and PFDs. But these bags trap water from escaping, causing mildew growth or just keeping beach essentials from airing out.
  3. Don’t get a sunburn. Even on a cloudy day, it is easy to get sun burnt while at the beach. Always bring plenty of sunscreen for the group.
  4. Arrive early. Arriving at the beach when it opens is the best way to avoid crowds.
  5. Always stay in the roped off swimming space. If there is a ropped off swim region it is probably dangerous to swim beyond the space. The area may have sharp objects under the water, be assigned to boaters, or is unsupervised by lifeguards.
  6. Know that there are restrooms. Restroom locations are probably the last thing on your mind before you plan out your beach visit. However no one wishes to be caught in a spot when you gotta find a bathroom fast but there isn’t one nearby. If you’re unable to locate bathroom information on the beach’s website, you should plan on the fact that a public bathroom or facility isn’t open. Try to go to the bathroom before heading to the beach.
  7. Never Litter. Nothing is as bad visit a dirty beach. If you take items to the beach, you are required pick up your trash. Make sure that you throw away your garbage in an appropriate waste or recycling receptacles.
  8. Is there a lifeguard on duty? Most sizeable beaches in Victorville staff a lifeguard supervising, however you should never assume that a lifeguard being present. On your walk to the beach, look around to see if there are beach warning signs. Sometimes they list lifeguard hours.